Friday, 5 December 2008

Banana Shrub and its Benefits

Banana Shrub is one of the most cultivated plants, grown in the tropical nations. Its scientific name is 'Musa Sapeintum Paradisiaca' and called 'Kayla' or 'Amrit' in Hindi. A Banana Shrub is a large herbaceous tree that does not form a woody stem. It grows in an interesting way as it never originates from seeds. Some small sprouts of this fruit form their own leaves and fruits when they grow mature and stop taking help from the parent or old shrub. Here is some valuable information about its underlining benefits:

bananaImportant Uses of Banana Shrub and Parts

Almost all the parts of this fruit tree are used for some economic and medicinal purposes.
Banana Skin and Sap- Its skin is used in dyeing as the sap of this one is made of tannin which makes a black stain on the cloth. Due to this quality, its also used in making ink.
Flower and trunk- The flower and the central part of the buds, stems and shoots are used in various culinary arts as vegetables. Its flowers can be eaten raw or used in cooking various soups, curries and fried foods. Their flavor resembles the veggie, artichoke. In fact, the trunk of banana tree is also used in various South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines.
Bark- Papers made for artistic purposes are made by the bark of this shrub.
Shoots- The shoots of this plant are rich in fibers and so used in textile industry.
Leaves- They are used in the South Asia and Southeast Asian nations as eco-friendly 'plates' to serve foods, especially during festivals. As they contain some juices, so they protect the food from burning and add a subtle flavor. The dried forms of these leaves are used for packing foods and as cups to hold liquid materials.
Fruits- Fruits of this tree are called bananas or kayla. They are mainly rich in fiber and vitamin B series which helps in inducing a cheerful mood and reduce the problem of depression. Some other ill conditions that can be treated with this fruit includes intestinal disorders, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, arthritis, gout, anemia, kidney diseases, urinary and menstrual disorders.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Neem Remedy for Healing a Yeast Infection

neemYeast infection is caused bycandida fungus. It can affect anyone at any place. In fact, an ear infection or severe headache can also be the signs of this infection. Even the nail beds of your fingers and toes can become the prey of this disease. However, yeast organisms can infect any part of your body. They are present in your body all the time, like bacteria and viruses. But if a person suffers from a weak immunity then these organisms become unbalanced and start multiplying. This process causes a severe infection in your body. For treating this disorder, neem herb works like a wonder. Scientific name for Neem is Azadirachta Indica. It contains some fine anti-fungal properties which help to remove a yeast infection. So read about its main values and the way to use it for curing this problem right here..

How Neem helps to Treat a Yeast Infection??

Neem forms an effective, organic, safe and natural solution for treating the problem of a yeast infection. Its one of the oldest and widely usedmedicinal plants across the whole globe. Historically, some of the common ‘health benefiting’ uses of this antiseptic plant are,
1. brushing teeth with its bark or twigs,
2. drinking the tea of neem leaves for healing oral infections,
3. taking bath with its leaves for curing malaria and
4. burning them for cleaning the air of the atmosphere.
This natural remedy works the best for treating the problem of a yeast infection in comparison to other chemical and inorganic pharmaceuticals. In addition to this, your body’s immune system does not show any rejection to neem as it does to the use of various artificial market antibiotics.
In the treatment of a fungal infection, a neem solution acts like a fine medicine when used both internally as a tea and externally as a paste or pack. Together, these two ways help to destroy a yeast infection.

Neem Tea for Yeast Infection Cure

For making its tea, just boil around 10 neem leaves in a cup of water and then strain them. Drink this tea for around two times in a day. It will kill the infection of yeast from your body.

Neem Pack / Paste

For this, take some leaves and grind them properly until a thick paste is formed. Now apply it over the affected parts and let it dry for some time. After that, clean this application by using a wet cloth. You can use this remedy for around two times a day.
Another Remedy
Simply boil some neem leaves in a glass of water and let this solution cool down a bit. Now soak a cotton cloth in it and wring it well. Clean your affected parts with this cloth. It will kill the colonies of yeast from your external body areas. You can also add these leaves into your bath tub and take bath with it. This method is really easy and effective for controlling this infectious disease. Washing your infected clothes in neem water helps to clean them properly.

However, keep the golden word ‘moderation’ as the key while using this natural remedy as everything works well only in certain limits.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Top Health Benefits of Oranges

Orange fruit is one of the best gifts of nature. This fruit offers a lot ofhealth benefits for your body. Its native to Southern China. There are many varieties of this fruit. The more important forms are loose-skinned and tight-skinned oranges. The first one is very popular in India, known as Narangi and the second form is largely used in Europe. Its highly rich in vitamin C, B and A and calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, copper, sulfur and chlorine. The consumption of this fruit immediately produces energy in the body. In many languages, this fruit is popular with the name of 'Chinese Apple'. Check its main health favors in this outlook:
orangeWeight control- This fruit is low in calories and high in fiber content. So it keeps your stomach 'full' without increasing your weight. So it makes a fine remedy to lose those extra pounds from your body.
Blood pressure control- If you suffer from high blood pressure then you may face the problems of a stroke, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Oranges contain a good amount of potassium which helps in the regulation of high blood pressure.
Diabetes prevention- This fruit has a low glycemic index which does not allow an increase in the blood sugar level when you eat it. So it helps to regulate the problem of diabetes.
Strong immunity- Orange juice is extremely beneficial for treating the problems of cold, flu and fever. It builds a strong immunity which helps your body to fight off with the infections that cause these disorders.
Inflammation- Due to the anti-inflammatory nature of this fruit, it helps to treat the problems of stiff joints and arthritis.
Cancer prevention- This fruit contains certain compounds which are called limonoids. They help to treat the diseases of stomach cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, mouth cancer and skin cancer.
Digestive health- If you take oranges in routine then they relieve the trouble of constipation. Their high fiber content helps to maintain a regularity of bowel movements.
Other benefits- The presence of phytochemicals and flavonoids in this fruit help to prevent the formation of blood clots and various tumors.
Skin health- To maintain a healthy skin, you need to take orange peels and rub them on your skin. Keep it on for a few minutes and then wash it off with fresh water.
For Culinary Use- Oranges are used in making marmaledes, cakes, puddings, juices and best of all, eaten raw !!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Top 5 Health Benefits of Apricots

Apricot is a fruit known for the health benefits and taste, it offers. Like other foods, Apricots are also known by other names, such as Botanical name: Prunus Armeniaca and Indian Names  : Khubani, Zardalu.
Quite similar to Peaches, Apricots are comparatively smaller. Fresh apricot is rich in natural sugars, Calcium, Vitamins A, B complex, Niacin and Riboflavin as well as Vitamin C. The nut of the apricot contains 40-45 % of an oil, practically identical with almond oil in its physical as well as chemical properties.

Uses of different parts of Apricot Tree

apricotMost of the parts of the Apricot Tree - the fruit, kernels, leaves, oil and flowers have their own medicinal value.
Apricot flowers are used in most of the cosmetics in China.
Apricot kernel, used for making oil similar to that of the almond, is sedative, antispasmodic by nature, which relieves strained muscles; heals wounds; promotes natural deworming and acts as a general tonic.

Health Benefits of Apricots

1. Relieves Constipation - The fruit is a natural laxative, so it helps in treating constipation, due to its rich content of pectin (absorbs and retains water, increasing bulk to faeces) and cellulose (roughage, the indigestible part). Even in the cases of Chronic Constipation, eating 6-8 apricots per day will bring relief.
2. Treats Indigestion - If consumed before your meal, Apricots may cure your indigestion problem. Another delicious alternative is Apricot Marmalede. Make sure, you get organic Apricots, if you want it to cure your ill-health condition.
3. Fights against Anemia - Due to its rich iron content, Apricot becomes a good remedy for anemia. Using the fruit liberally might also help in increasing the production of hemoglobin in your body.
4. Skin Diseases - Fresh juice of Apricot Leaves is quite effective in skin diseases. Simply applying this juice over your affected area might help in the cases of scabies, eczema, sunburn and itching due to cold exposure.
5. Fevers - Fresh apricot juice, mixed with glucose and honey, is a very cooling drink in case of fevers. It quenches your thirst, eliminating the waste products from the body. This wonder juice also tones up your eyes, stomach, liver, heart and nerves by supplying vitamins and minerals all over your body.
Now, with such wonderful benefits and an awesome juicy sweetness, how can one resist this delicious fruit!! Just grab a wholesome bunch of Apricots and relish the Taste & Health.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

How to Consume Ginger and its Uses

GINGER is a highly effective herbal & natural medicine for a number of health issues. Its really simple and easy to consume it. Ginger is available in fresh and dried forms for uses in medical and culinary purposes.
Either use fresh ginger or you can also dry it under the sun. Dried ginger is also available in markets and for much ease, you can opt for powdered form of this herb. In Hindi language, dried (powdered) ginger is called sount. This form  is also used as a Spice, worldwide. Ginger is the most essential spice used in Chinese Food.
Knowledge Fact: In India, ginger grown in Kerala is found to be superior than the ones grown in other parts of the country.

gingerHow to Consume Fresh Ginger

Fresh ginger can be sliced, chopped, grated or even juiced for different culinary purposes and also for medical purposes.
Culinary Uses
1. either use chopped, sliced or grated ginger for flavoring and garnishing your food such as soups, baking purposes, ginger candies, snacks, etc.
2. fresh ginger paste for marination purposes.
3. Sliced ginger, dipped in vinegar makes a wonderful pickle, but make sure, you store it in a glass jar.
3. ginger oil for flavoring your food, the way you like.
Knowledge Fact: Ginger is also used in the production of ginger beer, ginger ale and ginger wine. Earlier, it was used for spicing wines, possets and porter, the last one often being stirred with a red-hot poker.

Medical Uses

Ginger has been used as a Natural Medicine since ages. Its not useful in just one form.. but in every form, and for a greater number of health issues. Let's discuss its health benefits and its use accordingly:

1. Ginger for Digestive ailments-

such as flatulence, dyspepsia, colic, nausea & convulsions (vomitings), spasms in stomach.
Remedy 1- chewing a fresh piece of ginger after every meal is an excellent way to stay away from digestive troubles.
Remedy 2- take half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mix one teaspoon each of fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice and one tablespoon of Honey. Excellent remedy to fight against dyspepsia, nausea & vomiting, morning sickness, jaundice and piles. Take this natural mixture twice-thrice a day, depending upon the severity of your condition.

2. Ginger for Colds & Coughs-

works excellent & quite safe for coughs & colds, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and tuberculosis of the lungs.
Remedy 1- take half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice and one teaspoon of Honey, preferrably raw honey (if possible). This needs to be taken twice a day, at least in severe coughs. For colds, cut fresh ginger into small pieces and boil in a cup of water. Strain it and add a teaspoon of sugar, preferrably brown sugar. Drink it in smaller sips while hot, inhaling the steam coming out of it.
Remedy 2- Prepare your own Ginger Tea: add few pieces of fresh ginger into boiling water, before you add tea leaves (its very essential to boil it before only). You can also add some Holy Basil leaves, if you desire. Add sugar according to your taste and enjoy it. Its as simple as it sounds !!

3. Ginger for Aches and Pains-

Being an excellent natural painkiller, ginger can cure almost every type of pain such as headaches, toothaches, earaches and most of all, joint pains. Now, you can also say that ginger gives noticeable relief from arthritis, naturally.
Now, how to use it for the purpose of :
Headache and Toothache- make your own ginger ointment by rubbing dry ginger with a little water and apply it on the affected area (forehead for headache or cheekbones for toothache).
Earache- a few drops of fresh ginger juice put into your ear brings relief.
Joint pain- Ginger contains anti-inflammatory components, including Gingerols and Zingibain, which suppress the substances that trigger pain and cause the tissues to swell.
Take 2-4 gm of ginger juice, extract or tea. Another way is to rub ginger oil on your affected joints or make a compress of warm ginger root and place it on the area.
CAUTION: Try to consume ginger in its fresh form, as its dried form is bit strong and might cause bloating, gas, heartburn or nausea in some. And for external application, there is no condition, as it won't cause any trouble.

4. Ginger for Sexual Debility-

A natural aphrodisiac is like a boon for sexual problems, and Ginger does the same. For effective results, take half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with a half-boiled egg and honey, for at least one month. You have to take it for once a day, strictly not more than once.. as its too hot in its element. It tones up your sex centres and cures impotency, premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea.
CAUTION: keep this thing in mind, when you are taking something too hot in element, you need to balance your diet according to that. Make sure, you don't include any other food ingredient with the same element in your daily diet, as it might affect your bloodstream, causing skin problems.

5. Ginger for Menstrual Disorders-

Make your own ginger infusion for this purpose.
A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded or crushed and boiled in a cupful of water for a few minutes. You can also add sugar to it, if needed. Take this infusion thrice a day, after your meals. This acts like a medicine in cases of dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea due to exposure to cold winds and taking cold bath.
Hope you enjoyed reading all the amazing health benefits of ginger root and how to use it for different purposes. So, remember to make it an important part of your diet. Take Care!

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Strontium for Osteoporosis Treatment

Living a long, active life means taking all of the necessary steps to keep your entire body strong. Your bones, just like your skin, can be the first to show age, losing density and becoming prone to fracture and breakage. Keeping bones strong can help you lead your most active life as you age.

We all know calcium is a great way to keep bones strong, but what else can you do? One supplement, mentioned on June 7 on "The Dr. Oz Show," is going beyond calcium to help protect bones -- strontium.

What is strontium?

Strontium is a trace mineral naturally abundant in the earth and in seawater. Strontium is also present in the bones and connective tissues of the body. Because of its similar chemical composition to calcium, strontium can work like calcium in the body, helping to strengthen bones and teeth, while also helping these tissues hold onto calcium.

How It Can Help

Research examining the connection between strontium and osteoporosis really took off in the 1980s in Europe and it was found to be a safe and effective long-term treatment for bone pain and fragility. Since then, strontium has been considered a breakthrough in the treatment of osteoporosis and supplements are produced both in Europe and now in the United States. A European study published in 2004 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed treatment of post menopausal women with osteoporosis using a patented form of strontium, strontium ranelate, strengthened the bone and reduced their risk of fractures by an average of 41 percent over the three-year study.

What makes strontium different from traditional treatments is that it does more than protect the bone tissue you currently have -- it actually helps to add more. In a study published in 2001 in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, strontium ranelate was shown to promote cartilage formation as well. The most common form of strontium available in the United States is strontium citrate, which, when taken in conjunction with calcium and vitamin D, can help boost density, similar to the patented version available overseas.

Taking Strontium

Dr. Oz recommended taking 680 mg of strontium daily to help reduce the risk of fracture and improve density. An important note: Be sure to take this supplement at least four hours after your calcium supplement, to prevent any type of interaction and to get the maximum benefit. You can also increase your daily strontium intake by eating seafood.

Your doctor can help you determine the ideal amount of strontium for you to take and be sure to consult them if you're currently on any medications, especially for osteoporosis, kidney problems or blood clots. When taken in the recommended dosage, side effects were minimal and related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Protecting your bones is one of the many ways you can support your own longevity and overall wellbeing. Here's to a long, healthy life!