Friday, 10 December 2010

Try Yogurt for Vaginal Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast are basically some small organisms, candida fungus, which live on your body. They cause a yeast infection when they begin to multiply and spread to the nearby areas. Actually, your vagina is rich in mild acid pH environment which prevents the growth of these harmful microorganisms. But with a reduction in this pH level, the problem ofyeast infection tights its roots on your body. For treating it, the remedy of a probiotic rich food, yogurt ( Dahi), works like a true boon!! Its made from some healthy bacteria by culturing the milk. This food increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in your digestive and reproductive tract which help to remove the infection causing organisms. So learn that how you can use yogurt in various forms for this purpose right here..

yogurtHow to Use Yogurt for Yeast Infection??

Insert yogurt- Just take some plain yogurt and apply it over a tampon and insert it into your vagina. Keep it in this position for 5-10 minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of your condition. This remedy will transfer many healthy bacteria in your vagina which will control the growth of yeast infection. Use this remedy for as long as you get rid of your distress.
Douche with yogurt- Take some plain yogurt and simply douche your vagina with it. This is a simple way of preventing the problem of yeast infection. Yogurt is highly rich in body friendly bacteria which help to kill all the infectious organisms.
Eat it- Along with the topical use of yogurt, you should even add it to your daily diet. This probiotic food will generate some healthy bacteria in your body which will fight with a yeast infection from inside. So it would be a double treatment for your illness.
Its important for you to know that, you should use only organic yogurt for healing your yeast infection problem. Also, avoid using flavored or sweetened yogurts as they can irritate your illness. Use only plain yogurt for this purpose. Taking this remedy will prove extremely fruitful and effective for curing a yeast trouble. But make sure you do not overdo with this remedy as excess of everything is bad. So use yogurt only in genuine amounts and get the desired results.