Do you often throw vegetable scraps into dustbin?? Well, then don't do so as these portions can be used to make a stock. Its a flavored water preparation. This liquid forms the base of many recipes, like soups and sauces. Its made by simmering some raw ingredients in water which leave a thin solution.
Method of Preparation of Vegetable Scraps Stock
Save these vegetables- Save the scraps of any of these veggies- Onions, carrots, celery, leeks, garlic, asparagus, parsley, cilantro, winter squash, lettuce, chard, ginger, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini and bell peppers.
Storage- Collect around 4-6 cups of vegetable scraps to make about 2 quarts of stock. Store them in an air-tight container in the fridge. But if you are collecting them for more than a week then store them in the freezer.
Preparation method- Just put 4-6 cups of veggie scraps into a saucepot and add around 1-2 bay leaves and a few black peppercorns.
Cover all these ingredients with cold water and bring it to boil. Low the heat and let it simmer for about one hour. Do not overheat this recipe as it may start deteriorating.
After this, strain the liquid by using a strainer and then let it cool down a bit. Shift this solution into a glass jar or clean yogurt container.
Place this stock in the fridge to keep it fresh for use for around one week.
Garnishing- For garnishing purposes, you can finely chop certain herbs like mint, coriander leaves, thyme, oregano or any other you like!! You can also add noodles or boiled egg slices to this delicious vegetable stock!! One more way to add variety to it is including chopped vegetable of your choice, like carrots, onions, broccoli or anything else!!
Vegetables to avoid- The veggies you should avoid for this recipe are- potato, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnips, artichokes and rutabagas (a form of turnip).
One of the best benefits of using a homemade stock is that, it saves you from the harmful effects of the market variety. It retains more nutritional values as its made from fresh and clean vegetables. The only condition, the veggies have to be organic!
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