Saturday, 30 June 2007

Pregnancy- How Does Pregnancy Occur

How Does Pregnancy Occur - 
Pregnancy is the most important, beautiful phase but painful for some women. But whatever we may say, the results are definitely very sweet and innocent especially for the newborn's mother. But this all is possible only if the would-be mother or we may say, the pregnant woman has the needed awareness about how does pregnancy occur and much more. So, here I will tell you a lot of things about pregnancy.
Pregnancy occurs when the female ovum gets fertilized by the male sperm and embeds satisfactorily in the lining of the uterus or the womb. The first symptom of pregnancy is the missed periodamenorrhoea) though there are several other symptoms, that we will discuss later. If anytime (during your pregnancy, you notice some sort of bleeding, then immedialtely visit your gynaecologist. It might pose a risk for you and your baby.
During the first trimester (first three months of pregnancy), you might feel some sort of morning sickness or sometimes an urge to vomit. Your breasts might enlarge and the areas around the nipples might become darker (aerolas). After about the third month, your abdomen might become noticeably larger. This is the sign of the growing size of your baby.
Premature birth
The normal duration of pregnancy is 9 months, to be more precise, it is 40 weeks. If the birth of your baby occurs between the 28th week and the 37th week of pregnancy, then the baby is said to be premature.
Due Date Calculator
1. Take the first day of the last monthly period = 10th of november
2. Count back three months                       = 10th of august
3. Now, add seven days to the calculated date    = 17th of august
Thus, if the last period started on 10th of november, then the due date would be 17th of august.
Every pregnant woman should visit her doctor throughout her pregnancy. Regular check-ups are necessary to ensure that all is going well, and she will be given instructions on the needed diet and exercise for a healthier pregnancy. The blood pressure needs a regular checkup to avoid harmful rises because if the blood pressure rises and albumen appears in the urine, then the mother needs complete bed rest, sometimes even in the hospital. Sometimes, the birth needs to be induced early if rest does not prove to be enough for the mother's well being.
DONT'S for the Pregnant Woman
1. Cigarette smoking- as this may harm your unborn child and cause underweight baby
2. Alcohol intake
3. Cocaine intake- go for tea and coffee as less as possible, say, not more than one cup a day
4. Cheeses like in pizzas
5. Stay away from lifting heavy weights
6. Do not bend downwards, take somebody's help
7. Avoid sitting for long hours, have some walk after short intervals
8. No self medication
9. No over-the-counter medicines or other than those prescribed by your gynaecologist, especially during the first three months, as this may lead to the deformities of the baby
You are advised to take some extra iron and vitamins during your pregnancy, as prescribed by your doctor.
If you feel that everything is absolutely fine with you during pregnancy, then there is no reason for you to sit at home. You can continue with your work until the seven month stage. Yes, try to take as much rest as possible, rest think healthy and stay healthy.
A healthy mind results in a healthy body.

Friday, 29 June 2007

Arthritis- Osteoarthritis in Human

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints, mostly occuring in the middle-aged and the old. As told earlier that all the diseases ending with the suffix (-itis) means inflammation. Arthritis is not restricted to one type only, rather it has so many varieties in which one or more joints are affected during some other illness like German Measles. But there is nothing serious in this type of acute arthritis as it gets cured completely.Rheumatic Fever is also associated with acute inflammation of the joints.

Normally, all types of arthritis are chronic, show a slow development and may last for years. The most common among all is Osteoarthritis which can be a result of "wear and tear" or it may be a late outcome of aninjury or fracture. It occurs normally in the people of old age with the stressed joints such as hips, knees and spine. The patient should try to keep the joints as mobile as possible and exercise is extremely important and beneficial to keep them long lasting. After all, the enjoyment of the whole of life depends on it.

How much and what type of exercise is needed in arthritis?

In mild cases, a 10 minutes exercise would solve the purpose.

For the large joints, such as hip and knee have a tendency to become stiff and bent, so exercises should aim to straighten these joints to the limit and maintain mobility. If you are going for a home exercise to bring relief to your aching joints, then you are required not to go beyond the limits of pain. Do what your doctor says.

Is there any product available in the market to bring relief from arthritis?

A Seton-Arthro-Pad brings extraordinary relief to the joints of knees, elbows and even ankles. They are available in three sizes: small, medium and large. But these should be worn just for a few days as regular use may weaken your muscles. Chemists such as Bell & Croydon, Wigmore Street, London, W.I. stock such items.
Other forms of arthritis are:
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Homemade Hair Conditioner

Itchy scalp, dandruff, greasy hair, frizzy hair, hair loss, hair fall, thinning of hair, grey hair- so many problems with your hair!
Are you suffering from any one of these? Obviously, your answer is in positive, as everybody is fed up with one or the other problem with one's hair. So, what to do, how to care for your hair?
But the most unfortunate thing is that the hair shampoos that we get in the market are either not so effective or too expensive for you to afford them. So, what you need is the hair conditioners that can be made at home and are more effective and cheaper also.
So, are you ready?
1. Rosemary Hair Conditioner
Rosemary is said to be the best source for hair growth. Also, this is an effective remedy for an itchy scalp and dandruff and making your hair much softer, manageable and smelling good.

Rosemary essential oil
Sweet almond or olive oil (slightly warmed)
Mix 2-5 drops of rosemary essential oil with 1 teaspoon of sweet almond or olive oil, blend them well. Now apply the mixed oil on your dampened hair and massage the scalp gently. Wrap your head in a hot towel and wait for about 45 minutes so that it deeply conditions your hair. Rinse off with cold water.
Caution: Keep away from getting into your eyes.

Strict Warning: If you are pregnant, then avoid this hair conditioner as this may cause high blood pressure or epilepsy attack. 

2. Deep Conditioner 1
Avocados contain are a rich source of vitamins B6 & E

1 small jar of real mayonnaise
1/2 avocado
Take a medium-sized bowl and put all the ingredients in it and squish together with your hands until it turns into a minty green color. Now, apply this conditioner smoothly into your hair all the way to the tips. And after all this, wrap a towel on your head or cover with a shower cap.
Wait for 20 minutes. For a better and deeper conditioning, wrap your head with a hot, damp towel -over the saran wrap. And if you are lucky enough to have long hair and want to deep condition at the ends only, then cut all the ingredients into half and apply to the ends and wrap them properly.

3. Deep Conditioner 2
1/2 cup of real mayonnaise
Apply the real mayonaisse over your damp hair and comb through it through the hair. Now, wrap your head in a towel, wait for 20 minutes and then shampoo.
Caution: Use the real mayonaisse and NOT salad dressing. As this Salad Dressing will make your hair dry.
Storage: There are most of the recipes that need to be refrigerated but that does not mean that there are preservatives in them. Their shelf life is approximately 1 week.
4. Tropical Conditioner
1 avocado (peeled and mashed)
coconut milk
Mix a mashed avocado with a bit of coconut milk. Now, mash them together till the mixture gets smooth and as thick as shampoo. Apply the mixture on your hair and comb it through your hair and wait for 10 -15 minutes. Now, wash out.

Warning:  If you are pregnant, then avoid this hair conditioner as this may cause high blood pressure or epilepsy attack.

5. Egg Conditioner
1 teaspoon baby oil
1 egg yolk
1 cup water
Beat the egg yolk properly, add a bit oil to it and then beat again. Add this mixture to the water. Massage well into the scalp all over your hair. And rinse well. 

Storage: There are most of the recipes that need to be refrigerated but that does not mean that there are preservatives in them. Their shelf life is approximately 1 week.

6. Hair Tonic

2 teaspoons Gin
2 egg yolks
Beat egg yolks properly and add some Gin. The mixture should become enough foamy through beating. Now, massage the entire scalp and hair with this hair tonic, then rinse out with warm water.

Storage: Most recipes require refrigeration since they don't contain preservatives. Shelf Life is approximately 1 week.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Breast Feeding Questions Answered For Common Woman

How much milk should be given to your baby?
The bottle-fed babies are at a minor advantage as their feeds can be measured easily. But if we take a rough estimate, then a young baby needs 2 1/2 ozs milk per pound of body weight daily. After the first week, a seven pound baby needs 17 1/2 ozs milk that can be divided into five or six feeds, i.e. approximately 3 oz at a time. Baby will consume different amounts at different times but this will give you some idea at least.
Baby Weight Gain
Your baby will gain roughly 4 to 7 oz of weight weekly in the early months. And if he consistently fails to do so then something is wrong and needs an expert advice from your doctor. There could be several causes for this:
1. feeding problem
2. infection, particularly in the waterworks
3. congenital defects such as heart disease
When to start giving solid food to your baby?
You can give your baby solid food such as cereal after four months, not before that. There is a proprietary brand of rice available in the market especially for infants, this is one of the least stodgy solids to begin with.
But how much?
One teaspoon with one of the daily feeds is enough to start and you can gradually build up over the subsequent months. Sieved vegetables and fruit and finally meat meals can be introduced slowly to your baby.
Your baby will probably have fads and fancies but there is nothing to worry about it as milk supplemented by vitamin drops is his most important food for the first nine or ten months. When your baby starts growing his teeth around six months, he will want to bite on something a little harder such as rusk; but he won't be able to eat more than half of it. The nutritional value of a rusk is similar to cereal.
Any special tip for the feeding mothers?
Yes, here it is-
Try to stay relaxed as much as possible as a relaxed mother is likely to have less complications with feeds than a stressed mother, so try to aim to put aside a little time daily for yourself and your own interests.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Natural Vitamins - Best Foods For Common Man

Natural Vitamins- God's gift
Normally what we see, is that people take vitamins as the quickest way to get rid of all the diseases at once. They are considered as some "super tonic" or whatever. But if we say in the medical sense, then vitamins are the complex chemical substances used by our bodies for certain important functions, but one thing that should be kept in mind is that we require these in very tiny amounts. Our bodies cannot survive without them as their deficiency may result in fatal diseases sometimes.

Once the body has sufficient amount of a particular vitamin it cannot use more of it, so what is the need of loading the body with vitamins when there is enough of them.

These vitamins are known by letters of the alphabet and the most important ones are:-

1. Vitamin A

This one is related to growth protecting against infection and proper functioning of the eye. Its deficiency can cause retarded growth in children, highly prone to infections and certain eye defects like poor night vision (night blindness).

Chief sources- butter, eggs, milk and a number of fruits and vegetables especially carrots.

2. Vitamin B

It helps in the healthy working of the brain, nervous system and heart. Its deficiency can cause diseases like beri-beri and pellagra may develop in which these organs are disorganised.

These diseases are found quite rare in U.K., but milder deficiency of vitamin B may occur among the debilitated and old people with an imbalanced diet or lacking the variety.

Also, deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause pernicious anaemia due to poor absorption.

Chief sources- wheat germ like wholemeal bread, cereals and oatmealyeast extracts

3. Vitamin C

This keeps your blood vessels healthy. Its defiency can cause a bleeding into the tissues of the body or from the gums ("scurvy"). Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables particularly those used in salads. Do not overcook the vegetables as they destroy all the useful vitamins present.

Most commonly, the elder people are found deficient in it as they hesitate to eat "hard" fruits like apples and do not prefer eating salads. Potatoes contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C just below their skin and are said to be the most useful source for the elderly if peeled finely.Fruit juices like "Ribena" or Vitamin C supplements are more valuable for the elderly as well as for the young.
4. Vitamin D
To absorb calcium, we need this as it keeps our teeth and bones healthy. Its deficiency may develop "Rickets", in which the bones become soft and blend away.
Chief sources- milk and butter, artificially added to margarine, fish oils like cod liver oil and these oils contain this vitamin in a concentrated form.
You should never exceed the recommended dose of these oils as too much of vitamin D can be harmful.
5. Vitamin E
It is essential for the metabolism of fatty acids. It is present invegetable oils and is always found in plenty in normal Western diet, never deficient.

6. Vitamin K
It is extremely essential for the production of one of the blood clotting factors. Its deficiency is possible only among the newborn babies and in liver disease which can be corrected by injection.

In U.K., vitamin drops and tablets are easily available for the young children and expectant and nursing mothers at local health clinics.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Home Remedies for Acne that really Work

Acne is the most common skin problem found mostly among the teenagers and lesser in children and adults. But we cannot ignore acne problem as everyone wants to have a clear skin. So, for this we need some sort of acne treatment, whether it is medical treatment with medicines, or some beauty products to hide acne or some acne natural treatment or going for home remedies. This is the reason that we are discussing the most tested and effective remedies for acne.
To get rid of acne, blackheads, blemishes and greasiness on your face, you should start with a gentle, foaming facial wash. This will remove dirt and oil without stripping away the needed moisture from your skin.
So, here are the most effective home remedies for acne:
1. Tomatoes - Make a puree of fresh tomatoes, apply to the skin
2. Yogurt - Mix one tablespoon yogurt with fuller's earth and apply. Yogurt itself can be applied o the face. It helps to soften the skin and restores the natural acid mantle.
3. Aloe vera - This wonder plant of the household is the best at absorbing skin oils. Slice open a leaf and smear the gel on your face 3 times a day. Let it dry. Or you can also keep a small amount of gel in the refrigerator during the summers for a refreshing face-lift.
4. Honey - Mix half teaspoon honey with egg white and one teaspoon lemon juice. Add fuller's earth or brewer's yeast powder. Mix into a paste and apply. Remove after 20 minutes with water.
5. Limes and Cucumbers - Citrus fruits and vegetables refresh our skin thereby reducing the oils. To get these benefits, mix 1/2 teaspoon lime juice with an equal amount of cucumber juice. Apply to your face a few minutes before showering.
6. Egg Yolk - A quick remedy to remove oil shine asks for one of the simplest foods: the egg. This egg yolk mask removes the excessive oils from your skin. Now apply the egg yolk with a cotton ball to oily spots and leave this on your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.
7. Almonds and Honey - Make a paste of a small amount of ground almonds with honey and apply as a facial scrub for removing oils and dead skin cells. Now gently massage this paste on your face with a hot washcloth. Finally, rinse with cold water.
8. Papaya - Make a pulp of raw papaya and apply. Papaya has a cleansing action, softening dead skin cells and aiding their removal.
9. Apples - For a homemade oil-ridding facial, mix 1/2 cup mashed apple, 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 slightly beaten egg white and 1 tablespoon lemon juice into a smooth paste and apply to your face for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.
10. Salt - This is the best gift the sea could give to those with oily skin. Place tepid water into a small spray bottle and add 1 teaspoon salt to it. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself at the seashore. Squirt some of this salt spray on your face at least once a day and blot dry.
11. Vinegar - The best way to exfoliate your oily skin is to apply white or apple cedar vinegar using a cotton ball before bedtime. Leave it on your face for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Use this remedy for 3 weeks to observe positive changes in your skin.
WARNING: If you have a super-sensitive skin, then dilute vinegar with 4 parts water. For a summertime treat, chill the vinegar or freeze it into ice cubes and apply as a cooling facial.
12. Cornstarch - Mix 1 to 3 tablespoons cornstarch with warm water to make a smooth paste. Now rub the paste on your face and let it dry. Then shower or rinse off with lukewarm water in the sink. For best results, try this once a day.
13. Baking Soda - Add 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda to your liquid soap and rub very gently onto oily areas such as nose or chin. This will help you to get rid of blackheads as well as oil. Now rinse with cold water.
14. Lemons - Take equal parts of lemon juice and water and mix them well. Pat the dilute on your face and let it dry. First, rinse with warm water and then with cold water for a refreshing treat.
15. Eau de cologne - If your skin is excessively oily, mix in a few drops of eau de cologne. This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in refining the pores of the skin by acting as astringent, thereby preventing acne.
16. Cucumber - To prevent the problem of your makeup becoming patchy either on the forehead, chin or nose due to excessive oiliness in these areas, apply a little cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of your face, dry thoroughly and then apply your makeup.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Manic Depression Symptoms - To Get The Right Test For Manic Depression

In most of the cases of Bipolar Depression, sometimes called Manic Depression, the symptoms are akin to other mental illnesses, therefore, making it difficult to get diagnosed properly. Normally, this manic depression is initially wrongly diagnosed as major depression.

Due to severe mood swings, manic depression is associated to other mood disorders which also confuses the patient. Its not necessary that the patient will describe each and every symptom in full minute details to his/her doctor. And this lack of proper description leads to wrong diagnosis. This is the reason for considering manic depression as incurable or life-threatening in some cases.
So, here I am going to enlist the appropriate manic depression symptoms to prevent you from getting the treatment that is not right for you. But keep one thing in your mind for certain that manic depression symptoms vary from person to person. You will have to see what is there in you.
So, go through the MAJOR depression symptoms first which always makes one confused:

1. Feeling sad like hell or in the blues

2. Losing interest completely in things the person used to enjoy, including sex

3. Feeling of being worthless, hopeless, or guilty for nothing (as a burden on others and on this earth).

4. Lack of sleep or sometimes no sleep at all

5. Drastic weight loss or losing appetite

6. Loss of energy or feeling tired

7. Restlessness

8. Loss of concentration or losing the power to make decisions

9. Suicidal thoughts

Now come the MANIC depression symptoms which you want to know:

1. Energy level highly raised, more than normal

2. Not feeling the need to sleep because of high energy level

3. A wavering mind due to too many racing thoughts in mind and mood swings at peak

4. Easily distracted mind or loss of concentration

5. Getting more talkative than usual or feeling pressurized to talk more and more from within

6. Self-confidence touching great heights than usual

7. Risk-taking factor gets increased rapidly or loss of fear in mind

8. Loss of the determination to complete the tasks in hand

9. Confused mind

These mood swings are very common but if you are a bipolar depression sufferer, then you may have times of mania and depression along with these mood swings. This can really make your life unbearable for yourself or your loved ones. But with a suitable treatment, you can get rid of bipolar depression and you can live a normal life.

An important way for you to manage your bipolar depression on your own is to keep a record of all the symptoms you observe in you. Keep a record of what you feel and at what time. Tracking your symptoms is a great help to your doctor and for a much appropriate treatment for you.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Bipolar Depression - Is Bipolar Depression life-threatening

What is Bipolar Depression?
It was, as we all know, previously known as Manic Depression or Bipolar Manic Depression, is a chronic episodic illness associated with behavioral fluctuations. This disorder is a brain defect. The main characteristics are episodes of serious mania and depressive state of mind. The patient is normally found with mood swings right from high and irritable to sad and hopeless, getting back to normal mood in between.

When does Bipolar Depression occur?
It normally occurs in the age of adoloscence or early adulthood and continues throughout life. Its a mental disorder free from the limitations of age and duration. It may continue through several years or may be decades.

Its not that there is no cure to it. Infact, there are a number of effective treatments that keep the potential to alleviate the suffering caused by it thereby preventing its hell like complications such as breaking relationships, loss of a job, alcohol or drug abuse and maybe a suicide.

Here are some hard facts about Bipolar depression:

1. Manic-depressive illness can prove to be very fatal for many people.

2. It has been estimated that nearly 2 million American suffer from thismental illness and 1.3% among the adults in England and Wales, which can prove to be disastrous for the progress of the country.

3. Its not only the sufferer who has to go through the hard testing phase of life but the people surrounding are adversely affected. They also suffer a lot due to the disturbances in the behaviour of the patient.

4. Women are more likely to suffer from this for their whole life as compared to that of men.

5. Though it has not been confirmed 100% that this mental manic disorder is hereditary in some cases, yet several cases have shown that it can be inherited.

6. It is not age-bound, as in some cases 12-year old children were found to be suffering from this mental disorder.

7. Some cases can be treated with a successful treatment, but not in every case.

Now, after going through the above hard facts, would you like all this to happen to you too? No, not at all. Then to prevent yourself from being a lifetime victim of this bipolar disorder, you must have proper awareness about it. Start with the bipolar or manic depression symptoms first.
So, go through the full information on the problem you are suffering from. This makes you your own doctor. Why to go for those expensive and time-consuming treatments to cure your bipolar illness when you can treat it on your own!

Friday, 22 June 2007

Get Acne Free Forever - Tips For Acne Cure

Acne is the most common skin disorder, especially among the American people. Its not that only the teenagers are highly prone to acne, it can also attack adults and even the infants are not spared. But on the higher rate, the teenagers are affected by it.
And if we talk about the sexes, then the females are much prone to acne as compared to the males. Although the problem of acne among men is less in number yet it is the most severe.
The most common area on human body attacked by acne is the face, but some other body parts like chest, back, arms and thighs in rare cases get affected.
For how long will I have to live with this acne?
The life of acne depends from individual to individual.
Usually, acne starts with the puberty and lasts for about 5 years. But in some cases, it can persist for 10-20 years. Its more common in women who are in their 20s, 30s and 40s. The reason is not known yet. Also, some newborns are seen to have acne on their little cute faces.
Now this is such a pity! Acne has become a big nightmare for all of us. So, it becomes your right to get rid of it the way you want. And we are here to help you in this task.
For permanent acne cure, get the awareness of the factors that aggravate your acne.
There are certain things that can aggravate your acne problem which you will always need to be aware of. See below to get acne free forever:
The aggravating factors of Acne
1. Food- Some believe food to be the one of the primary aggravating factors of acne. But no strong evidence has been given yet. Yes, if you ever feel that a certain type of food is causing you acne, then without any second thought, remove it from your diet.
Normally, it is said that fried and spicy food aggravates your acne but it is not the cause of acne.
2. Excessive sweating-
  • Sweating is said to worsen acne in 15% of acne sufferers
  • Also, humidity has the tendency to aggravate the condition. So, to stay protected, wear loose and comfortable clothes which allow air to pass through to avoid sweating.
3. Over-Consciousness- Do not be over conscious of your acne problem. This results in the unwelcoming mannerisms like:
  • over washing of your face- this is a strong myth among the acne sufferers that acne is caused by dirt on your face
  • excessive rubbing or usage of scrubs over your sensitive skin
  • living in the illusion that blackheads are black in color because of dirt. The fact is that the blackheads are black because the air oxidizes the protein called keratin.
4. Stress level- Among most of the teenagers, acne is reported to have occurred during their examination days when the stress level is at its peak. However, no strong evidence has been proved it yet.
5. Contraceptives- Progesterone has the tendency to make your acne worse. It has been found that most of the young women have acne flare-ups right before their periods.
6. Squeezing- This is the worst thing that could happen to your acne. If you are having this habit, then beware! This will result in the permanent scarring thereby diminishing your hope of getting your beautiful clean and clear face back.
MYTH: It is a clear myth that sexual activity produces or causes acne, in fact its your hormones that cause or worsen your acne!
Now I hope that many of your queries might have been resolved by now! Get rid of all these wrong habits forever if you want to be given a second look, and not for these ugly spots on your face, rather for your clean and clear skin.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Acne Myths and Facts Discussed for more Acne Awareness

After reading Acne Myths - 1 and  Acne Myths - 2, go for these:

Some More Acne Myths and Facts

11. Hereditary
MYTH: Your chances of having acne in future increase if your parents had it.
FACT: Yes, this is true to some extent as there are some families that have certain skin type that cause their children to suffer the same skin problems that they themselves suffer. So, we cannot say that its a myth, rather it is a fact. I have referred this fact as a myth over here because i have seen this fact described as a myth many a times on several so-called informative websites. So, if your parents ever suffered from this acne problem and you are still not, then you should take special care of your skin to stay away from it.
12. Coca-cola and other soft drinks
MYTH: Coca-cola causes acne.
FACT: As we normally say that excess of everything is bad for our health. And these drinks are no exception. Teens are usually seen in the canteens or restaurants with coke in there hands and to make it worse, their plates are overflowing with the fast food. Hell!!!
So many researches have been done to find if there is any deep connection between acne and soft drinks, but no body has been able to claim it. It is still a myth.
But there is a fact that if you consume coca-cola or soft drinks too frequently, then your skin pores start reacting to the oils in the environment thereby resulting in the acne flare-ups. So, you should make a habit of washing your hands everytime you come in contacts with these oily or greasy foods.
13. Hard soaps
MYTH: Harsh soap is a good remedy for acne.
FACT: Never use any hard soap over your acne, instead go for a mild soap. After you wash the infected area, dry it completely simply by patting over it.
14. Teenagers
MYTH: Teenagers are the only acne sufferers.
FACT: Its not that only the teenagers suffer from acne, in fact, there are some who get acne for the very first time in their adulthood. In a few cases, women in their 40s have been seen to have acne.
15. Acne Medication
According to reports, there are over 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of adult acne sufferers. Although about 50% of adult women alone are affected by acne yet it does affect males as well, regardless of nationality.
MYTH: Go for the strongest medication if you want to get rid of acne quickly.
FACT: Most of the acne sufferers are in the illusion that if they will go for a 10 percent solution of benzoyl peroxide for acne instead of sticking to a just 2.5 percent one, will work much better for them. And the fact is that if a you are getting treated with the lower dose, then the increased dose will have zero or no affect on your acne.
Now, at the end we would like to say that almost all the kids, teens and adults, have to face such a hell-like acne at some point of time - but to your amusement, with the right knowledge about the acne myths and facts, you can get that ever so craved clean and clear skin and flaunt it!