Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Prostate Cancer Symptoms - More On Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Symptoms is one of the most sought after terms on internet, but hardly the results are met. Why so? This we will discuss later on, before that its necessary for you to know what prostate cancer is.
It is the type of cancer that occurs in the tissues of a gland called Prostate. This gland is a small walnut-shaped located in the male reproductive system just below the bladder and in the front of the rectum. It produces seminal fluid, the fluid that nourishes and transports the sperm. And this Prostate Cancer is found in the older men in most of the cases, especially among the American men.
As such, there are no proven symptoms because it does not get easily detected in its initial stages. They usually get discovered when the cancer reaches one of its very advanced stages.

But to name, there are a few of the signs of prostate cancer that are found in certain cases.

In Initial Stage
1. urgent and untimely urination
2. weak urine flow and leakage sometimes
3. difficulty in passing urine
4. discontinued urine flow
5. blood in urine
6. painful ejaculation
7. discomfort or dull pain in your lower pelvic area
8. frequent urination during night
9. loss of appetite and weight
10. constant bone pain
11. dull pain in your lower back, hips or upper thighs
12. painful urination 

In Advanced Stage
Bone Pain- When the cancer cells reach other parts of your body especially the bones, then bone pain occurs. This pain occurs in particular parts like in the vertebrae (bones of the spine), ribs or pelvis. Pain in your spine sometimes compresses the spinal cord and causes leg weakness and urinary and fecal incontinence (bladder control problems).
Know more on this by reading an article on prostate cancer research and keep yourself updated.
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Prostate Cancer is the type of cancer that occurs in the tissues of a gland called Prostate. This gland is a small walnut-shaped located in the male reproductive system just below the bladder and in the front of the rectum.
Prostate Gland produces seminal fluid, the fluid that nourishes and transports the sperm. And this Prostate Cancer is found in the older men in most of the cases, especially among the American men.
Prostate Cancer Info
In United States alone in 2007, a shocking estimate of 218,890 fresh cases of this disease has been reported, out of which 27,050 have died due to this disease.

It can spread (metastasize) to distant parts of the body. As the malfunctionality of the Prostate Gland directly and seriously attacks the sexuality in a man, Prostate Cancer is scaring the most of the men like hell. Men are becoming much more aware these days about the side-effects of the various treatments available. And these side-effects of Prostate Cancer treatments include bladder control problems (incontinence), erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence.
And if it is diagnosed in time when it is limited to the prostate gland, there is a great possibility to get rid of it as there are a number of treatments available with short-term side-effects. If unfortunately the the cancer spreads beyond the prostate gland, then a successful treatment is left with the least possibility. It becomes much difficult to remove it. But there is no need to get disappointed about as there are a lot more ways to cure Prostate Cancer.
Read on what prostate cancer research says if you want to get updated with this disease.
Also,feel free to share your health problems with us without any hesitation, as Top54u team is always there to help you out!

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