Friday, 29 June 2007

Arthritis- Osteoarthritis in Human

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints, mostly occuring in the middle-aged and the old. As told earlier that all the diseases ending with the suffix (-itis) means inflammation. Arthritis is not restricted to one type only, rather it has so many varieties in which one or more joints are affected during some other illness like German Measles. But there is nothing serious in this type of acute arthritis as it gets cured completely.Rheumatic Fever is also associated with acute inflammation of the joints.

Normally, all types of arthritis are chronic, show a slow development and may last for years. The most common among all is Osteoarthritis which can be a result of "wear and tear" or it may be a late outcome of aninjury or fracture. It occurs normally in the people of old age with the stressed joints such as hips, knees and spine. The patient should try to keep the joints as mobile as possible and exercise is extremely important and beneficial to keep them long lasting. After all, the enjoyment of the whole of life depends on it.

How much and what type of exercise is needed in arthritis?

In mild cases, a 10 minutes exercise would solve the purpose.

For the large joints, such as hip and knee have a tendency to become stiff and bent, so exercises should aim to straighten these joints to the limit and maintain mobility. If you are going for a home exercise to bring relief to your aching joints, then you are required not to go beyond the limits of pain. Do what your doctor says.

Is there any product available in the market to bring relief from arthritis?

A Seton-Arthro-Pad brings extraordinary relief to the joints of knees, elbows and even ankles. They are available in three sizes: small, medium and large. But these should be worn just for a few days as regular use may weaken your muscles. Chemists such as Bell & Croydon, Wigmore Street, London, W.I. stock such items.
Other forms of arthritis are:
Rheumatoid Arthritis

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