Thursday, 28 June 2007

Homemade Hair Conditioner

Itchy scalp, dandruff, greasy hair, frizzy hair, hair loss, hair fall, thinning of hair, grey hair- so many problems with your hair!
Are you suffering from any one of these? Obviously, your answer is in positive, as everybody is fed up with one or the other problem with one's hair. So, what to do, how to care for your hair?
But the most unfortunate thing is that the hair shampoos that we get in the market are either not so effective or too expensive for you to afford them. So, what you need is the hair conditioners that can be made at home and are more effective and cheaper also.
So, are you ready?
1. Rosemary Hair Conditioner
Rosemary is said to be the best source for hair growth. Also, this is an effective remedy for an itchy scalp and dandruff and making your hair much softer, manageable and smelling good.

Rosemary essential oil
Sweet almond or olive oil (slightly warmed)
Mix 2-5 drops of rosemary essential oil with 1 teaspoon of sweet almond or olive oil, blend them well. Now apply the mixed oil on your dampened hair and massage the scalp gently. Wrap your head in a hot towel and wait for about 45 minutes so that it deeply conditions your hair. Rinse off with cold water.
Caution: Keep away from getting into your eyes.

Strict Warning: If you are pregnant, then avoid this hair conditioner as this may cause high blood pressure or epilepsy attack. 

2. Deep Conditioner 1
Avocados contain are a rich source of vitamins B6 & E

1 small jar of real mayonnaise
1/2 avocado
Take a medium-sized bowl and put all the ingredients in it and squish together with your hands until it turns into a minty green color. Now, apply this conditioner smoothly into your hair all the way to the tips. And after all this, wrap a towel on your head or cover with a shower cap.
Wait for 20 minutes. For a better and deeper conditioning, wrap your head with a hot, damp towel -over the saran wrap. And if you are lucky enough to have long hair and want to deep condition at the ends only, then cut all the ingredients into half and apply to the ends and wrap them properly.

3. Deep Conditioner 2
1/2 cup of real mayonnaise
Apply the real mayonaisse over your damp hair and comb through it through the hair. Now, wrap your head in a towel, wait for 20 minutes and then shampoo.
Caution: Use the real mayonaisse and NOT salad dressing. As this Salad Dressing will make your hair dry.
Storage: There are most of the recipes that need to be refrigerated but that does not mean that there are preservatives in them. Their shelf life is approximately 1 week.
4. Tropical Conditioner
1 avocado (peeled and mashed)
coconut milk
Mix a mashed avocado with a bit of coconut milk. Now, mash them together till the mixture gets smooth and as thick as shampoo. Apply the mixture on your hair and comb it through your hair and wait for 10 -15 minutes. Now, wash out.

Warning:  If you are pregnant, then avoid this hair conditioner as this may cause high blood pressure or epilepsy attack.

5. Egg Conditioner
1 teaspoon baby oil
1 egg yolk
1 cup water
Beat the egg yolk properly, add a bit oil to it and then beat again. Add this mixture to the water. Massage well into the scalp all over your hair. And rinse well. 

Storage: There are most of the recipes that need to be refrigerated but that does not mean that there are preservatives in them. Their shelf life is approximately 1 week.

6. Hair Tonic

2 teaspoons Gin
2 egg yolks
Beat egg yolks properly and add some Gin. The mixture should become enough foamy through beating. Now, massage the entire scalp and hair with this hair tonic, then rinse out with warm water.

Storage: Most recipes require refrigeration since they don't contain preservatives. Shelf Life is approximately 1 week.

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