Sunday, 1 July 2007

Amenorrhoea Teenager Girl

Amenorrhoea is the cessation or the stopping of normal menstruation - the monthly period in women. Periods usually stop nearly between the age of 44 and 54 due to menopause after which a woman gets deprived of the capability of childbearing.
Another temporary cause of amenorrhoea before menopause occurs in a woman is pregnancy. Or there could be some other reasons for amenorrhoea, like there are some general illnesses especially the prolonged or chronic ones. Or sometimes, a period is missed in a healthy woman for no specific reasons. Stress or worry is another main reason for amenorrhoea. Now, here are a number of causes of amenorrhoea, that will help you to find the rootcause to your problem:
Primary causes
1. menopause
2. pregnancy
Secondary causes
1. stress
2. homesickness
3. instant change in routine
4. nurses, students and new recruits to women's forces often suffer from amenorrhoea
5. drastic change in diet
6. contraceptive pills may cause a very light and occasionally missed periods
7. hormonal imbalance
Less common causes
1. your ovaries are failing to release eggs in the normal way
2. your glands might have some sort of disorder
Note: If you have missed your period for once only without having any one of the above causes, then there is nothing to worry about. But if it happens again for the second time, then you are strictly recommended to visit your doctor.
Frequent bouts of amenorrhoea in a healthy young woman may be due to subfertility, so such patients should not use contraceptive pills as they might supress your ovulation cycle severely.

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