After going through the infertility self-help, that is the things you can do on your own to get fertile, you need to know about the fertility problems about which you can do nothing. Only and only medical fertility treatments can treat you. We are absolutely wrong if we think that all the factors relating to fertility are under our control. There are some things that are beyond our reach, such as
Among women, the conception is adversely affected by
--------- Ovulation problems
failure or delay to release an egg each month
failure or delay to release an egg each month
1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), when numerous small cysts develop on the ovaries and ovulation gets disturbed.
2. Side-effects of certain medicines, like anti-inflammatory painkillers, chemotherapy and radiation treatment
3. Premature ovarian failure or early menopause
4. Hormonal imbalances
--------- Blocked fallopian tubes
1. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)- chlamydia and (more rarely) gonorrhoea
2. Endometriosis- when cells from the lining of the womb implant somewhere else, such as the ovaries
3. Pelvic inflammatory disease- caused by chlamydia and other STIs
4. Previous pelvic surgery- like in the case of appendicitis
--------- Age
Women are usually more fertile in their early 20s as compared to those in their late 30s. This is because with age, the quantity and the quality of your eggs get declined. Your womb also undergoes certain changes that cause problems with the lining of the womb, like fibroids or some physical abnormalities of the womb, depriving your womb from successful implantation of a fertilised egg.
Other conditions affecting the female fertility are
thyroid and bowel diseases
gynaecological problems including previous ectopic pregnancy or more than one miscarriage.
thyroid and bowel diseases
gynaecological problems including previous ectopic pregnancy or more than one miscarriage.
And among men, the causes for infertility is the problems with thesperm, like:
1. Low sperm count, poor quality of the sperm or poor sperm motility (slow sperm-speed)
2. Poor testicles history like any inflammation or any injury caused by mumps, drug treatment, radiotherapy or sporting injuries
3. Any previous bacterial infection
4. Any surgery in the past could have damaged the tubes or impair blood flow to the testicles
5. Diabetes, any medication or urinary tract surgery can also result in retrograde ejaculation. In such a situation, the male sperm travels backwards into the bladder resulting in infertility.
Now after going all these fertility problems, do not lose hope of getting cured. This is just an overview. Exceptions are always there!
You have hope as apart from the medical infertility treatments, there are some therapies that can cure you. For this, try reading information on therapies like acupuncture and aromatherapy for infertility cure. You will experience greater benefits, for sure.
And do not forget to share your views and comments on the information discussed above.
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