Friday 14 August 2009

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd the Blood Purifier

BITTER GOURD, being one of the strongest blood purifiers, serves your body with many health benefits. The bitterness in this vegetable may turn some people off, but it sweetens your health with many awesome favors. Few other names of this veggie are:  bitter melon (common name) & karela (in Hindi). 

bitter gourd, bitter melon, ampalayaHEALTH BENEFITS of BITTER GOURD

- This veggie treats blood problems like boilers and itching, due to it cleaning properties.  
- It controls the distress of high blood sugar or diabetes as it contains a plant insulincalled hypoglycemic index.  
- Bitter gourd is an excellent source of energy. It improves the stamina and sleeping patterns of your body.
- This one improves your eyesight due to its high beta-carotene properties.  
- Due to its alcohol intoxication values, bitter melon sorts out a severe hangover problem too. Now, isn't this worth noting down!!
- A regular use of the bitter melon juice helps build a strong immune system and increase its capacity to fight against various infections.  
- The consumption of this juice also heals the problems of psoriasis and fungal infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot.  
- Its use gives relief from the respiratory distresses of asthma and bronchitis.  
- Due to its toxemia property, bitter guard cleanses toxins from the blood. It also heals the problem of jaundice.  
Different ways to consume this veggie - bitter melon juice, dry its seeds and powder them for further use, as a decoction by boiling chopped bitter melon in water.. the choice of yours!
So, leave behind your pre-conceived notions about this Super Veggie and include this into your diet from now only!!!